Wednesday, 31 March 2010

The best affirmation (for me)

Taken from a book by Joseph Murphy, written long before "The Secret" and one of the most powerful books ever written. I read this book many years ago, I can't pretend my life has been perfect, but I'm happy, and this helps. A lot.

" I realize I am one with infinite intelligence of my sub-conscious mind, which knows no obstacle, difficulty, or delay. I live in the joyous expectancy of the best. My deeper mind responds to my thoughts. I know that the work of the infinite power of my sub-conscious cannot be hindered. Infinite intelligence always finishes successfully whatever it begins.. Creative wisdom works through me bringing all my plans and purposes to completion. Whatever I start I bring to a successful conclusion. My aim in life is to give wonderful service, and all those whom I contact are blessed by what I have to offer."

This is a photograph of Snowdon, taken this weekend. 1 hour before sunset. Just want to share it with the world. Take photos 1 hour before sunset!

Monday, 15 March 2010

Honesty, and a change of mind

Honestly, why can't we have a bit more honesty?

Why can't we say what we really mean, admit it if we're not doing so good, and then truly celebrate when we are.

I just love people who are open, and you don't have to work out what's going on with them, and you can trust them.

Meanwhile, there's nothing wrong with changing your mind. So I'm probably going to go to Egypt in January for PTO, and book a trip to somewhere else very soon, probably North Cyprus. Hurray!!! Not that anyone needs to know this, just felt like a bit of gratuitous blogging.

Meanwhile, I smell really nice today, at least, my jumper does.

Checking my page stats, AWP is on page 7. JDP bottom of page 1, AP a miserable page 14. Its a bit depressing when a dead man is higher.

Not sure why, but I just put this blog onto a directory, who requested a link back. If your checking this guys, I never said it was interesting.

Blog Directory for United Kingdom

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Coutts, deserts

Got a cheque today. Coutts bank!!!

Meanwhile I'm planning a trip to Egypt in October. I started getting excited at the prospect of the white desert, but can't decide if its a total waste of time or the best thing I'll ever do. If anyone knows, please tell me.

Also did a wedding fair on sunday, the first for 2 years. I sometimes do them just to remind myself why I don't, but this one wasn't so bad. It was at the millennium galleries. I really would like to photograph more kooky, quirky, weddings.

Monday was spent at Focus on imaging, went to a seminar by Martin Oliver. I really wasn't impressed, and left early. It felt a bit rude, but I also felt I had been ripped off. Anyone else go?

This weeks pic: family portrait

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

The money train

Why is every blog about the law of attraction that I look at advertising some book, some training course? Does anyone know a place where we can just discuss it, come together and revel in the joy of it all?

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

The rules.

1) What you focus on is your reality
2) What you dream is your future
3) Be careful what you wish for.

Monday, 1 March 2010

The incredible law of attraction

Its amazing. I've been aware of the law of attraction for many years, from a spooky " co-incidence" when I was about 15, to this weekend when I was privileged to a performance by the singing waiters.

I met a lovely lady a few months ago called Marie-Claire Carlyle who pointed out to me that I was having some very negative thoughts about Sheffield, and lets face it, sometimes fact are facts. However, following on from that meeting I decided it was time to turn things round, and started to make sure my thought patterns were saying the right things.

About 10 days ago when I had a bit of free time - ie free-thinking time - at my Mum's house I had a really good think about what I want, and came up with a list. On it was "pressies" - I was a bit miffed that Mike had just let Valentines day pass with "oh, I guess I've been too busy" shrug, and that was following on from the non christmas, the non birthday, etc... within a week, my friend Grace arrived, laden with... presents. Just small things, but absolutely perfect, wine, flowers, seeds. Wow... this is great, methinks, always with "be careful what you wish for" at the back of my mind.

Also on the list was " more customers like A-H " who is a good regular client with lots of imagination. On friday I received a call asking me to do some photography at a private party at a rather nice house in Matlock, which I did, and that's where the singing waiters came in. They were fabulous! The similarity with A-H is just remarkable.

The thing that struck me was time. The party had been arranged months ago - it was happening anyway. I put myself in the zone for " something special " and suddenly I was a a part of that lovely event, and I'll be getting paid for it.

Brilliant. Thank you, thank you, thank you!