Monday, 21 November 2011

Who are we kidding?

Who out there really believes that planet earth and the developed world can continue as we are?

I don't.

We have a planet full to bursting point, with 7 billion people, and the population is expanding very quickly. The politicians want growth to continue, but how can we? The third world is coming to a point where they want what the rest of the world has. The natural resources of the planet are being stretched to the limit: earth will run out of oil, minerals, and even water seems to be in short supply.

So how can we continue to grow? what we need is a sustainable and decent standard of living for everyone on this planet. This might need some hard facts to be absorbed. Such as, its just not OK to have a busload of children - 1 maximum, per person - ie you have a child allowance. China has managed the 1 child per family, its time the rest of the world learned from them.

Friday, 4 November 2011


This eurozone stuff is getting heavy. Th long term implications are nothing short of armageddon, just want to know if the US citizens are aware of whats happening. Think I'll look on CNN